
Friday, 27 August 2010

Fitter Londoner Of The Week

David Stokes!

David's been a Fitter Londoner for quite a few months and we've seen him improve in strength and fitness.

This week in particular, he stood out in both Monday's 'Work Off The Weekends' and Tuesday's 'Kettlebells for Strength and Bodyweight' classes.

David - you're a star and we're loving your smiles and jokes, don't ever change!

Why Fitter London?
Classes are TOUGH, challenging, varied and fun. I feel like I have really achieved something before going into work. FL trainers are committed, funny, happy and full of beans. Their enthusiasm is contagious! Fellow Fitter Londoners are committed focussed sweaty and gorgeous! becoming great friends.

What's your favourite thing about Fitter London?
I never know what is coming next, I am kept guessing which is good because MAN I bore easily.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Top 10 Bulls**t Excuses

1. I can’t afford to eat healthily.
Yet you can go out at the weekend and spend £80-£100 on alcohol.

2. I don’t have time to train.

You don’t have the time because you don’t make the time. Everybody has a choice in when to set the alarm clock.

3. I don’t understand why I am not losing weight, because I eat really healthy foods and train 5 times a week.

I know why…….you eat too much. If more calories are going in than going out, guess what? You won’t lose weight. It’s quite simple really.

4. My job involves drinking a lot as I’m always at events and client meetings.

It’s funny because I have never seen an ad for a job that states “Applicant must be able to consume vast amounts of alcohol on a regular basis, teetotallers need not apply”

5. I can’t go to the gym as I have hurt my wrist.

I agree with this one, as the exercise bike and leg extensions place great stress on the wrists. Get real.

6. I don’t have the time to prepare healthy snacks or dinners.
Well then you better make the time or stop whingeing about the fact you are not achieving the results you want.

7. I don’t like going to the gym because I’m not very good at it and it’s hard.

Errrrm………that’s because you don’t go to the gym. Honestly.

8. I don’t want to train my legs as they get big really easily.

What he really means is “I don’t want to train my legs because it’s hard and no one gets to see them that often anyway”. Man up.

9. Client: Matt sorry can’t make our session today as I have forgotten my gym shorts.
Me: No worries mate I have a spare pair.
Client: Oh dear I have forgotten my t-shirt as well.
Me: That’s cool I have an extra one.
Client: It seems I have only brought one trainer with me. What a day.
Me: Well it’s a good job you remembered to bring the bag of bulls**t.

10. I ended up just going home as all the machines in the gym were taken.

Really? Every single machine? I doubt it.

So the moral of the above is DON’T MAKE EXCUSES. I know there are times when sticking to a healthy eating regime or getting to the gym are difficult but don’t make up reasons to justify your actions. Just face up to the fact you are going to have a few drinks or you’re not really in the mood to train that day. It’s okay.

Remember that we all have a choice and we will find and make the time for things we see as a priority or things we really want to do.

People are forever blurting out excuses to make their lives easier, but the truth is eventually these excuses just won’t cut it and a reality check is needed. There is always a way to achieve your fitness goals, it is just a matter of patience, determination and quite simply having a goal in the first place.

If you have an answer for everything then you obviously know better and therefore should have no problem achieving your desired results and have no reason to have a problem with it in the first place.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Funny :)

Funniest Fitter London Quote EVER! "10 minutes into Keris' spin, I saw God", haha! I kind of understand though because her spin classes are the most challenging ever!

VERY Funny Fitter London Pics
From L-R: Keris, Charlotte, Katie and Annabel - last minute of last week's Kettlebell Cardio and Core class:

Keris at last week's Saturday am class, haha:

There are more special pictures of Keris swinging and Matt's came up with a brilliant idea which we'll be sharing soon :)

Enjoy the rest of your week and hope we see you soon!

Monday, 9 August 2010

New Week!

Both classes on Saturday were really good and the amazing crowds made the classes :)

We look forward to another week of classes with fun people and challenging workouts! Hope to see you this week :)

Friday, 6 August 2010

Fitter Londoner Of The Week

Joel has been with Fitter London almost a year and has transformed his fitness. He is one of the strongest guys in the class and can windmill, press and snatch 24kg no problem.
The best thing about Joel is you can always see the pain in his face but he rarely gives up :-) The difference in his core strength is so impressive, from someone who could barely plank to being able to renegade row 16kg is great progress.

All that's left to do is to convince him to swap that sandwich for a salad and he'll be perfect ;-)

1. Why Fitter London?
It's revolutionised my exercise. The classes are extremely challenging but always fun and exciting. Instead of dreading working out, it is now something to look forward to.

2. What's your favourite thing about Fitter London?
Aside from Matt and Keris, the atmosphere of the classes and kettlebells.

Thursday, 5 August 2010

Mid Week Update

Everyone's worked really hard this week - well done!

Keris has taken part in classes everyday so far and will be sharing her experiences very soon.

We have two new videos (and many more where they came from:

Love love this:

Subscribe to us on YouTube: Fitter London YouTube Channel
Follow us on Twitter: Fitter London Twitter and also here on our blog.

Hope to see you soon in one of our classes.. very soon.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Rest and recovery

Let’s get something clear right away. Rest and Recovery are two completely different things……way different.

Just because you may have rested does not mean you have recovered. If you continue to train when you have not recovered properly then quite simply you will get injured.

The key to optimal recovery requires 5 major factors:
  • Rest
  • Quality Sleep
  • Nutrition
  • Knowing your body
  • Recovery training (active rest).
Would a body builder train his/hers chest 2 days in a row at maximum poundage for their 8-10 rep range? NO.

However they may perform some much lighter chest exercises the following day to provide blood flow to the chest muscles in order to aid their recovery and muscle growth.
A long distance runner may run hard for 20 miles one day, but a nice light 30 min recovery run the next day will relieve tightness, create blood flow and again aid their recovery.

Let’s go back to the 5 key factors to your recovery:

So you have gone hard at it for 2 days solid in the gym, chances are your body could do with a rest. But I don’t mean sit on your ass and do nothing. Ease off on the intensity; go for a light run, stretch. It is so important to keep your body moving and create a good flow of blood. After all it is your blood that carries the nutrients to your hard worked muscles.
However there are days when your body does need a complete rest, this falls in to the knowing your body area which I will cover soon.

Quality Sleep:
Notice how I say quality sleep*? This is because everyone sleeps, but most certainly do not get enough quality sleep.
By quality I mean, 7-8 hours a night, in a dark room, no electrical appliances all over the place and no broken sleep.
Think about how much better you feel when you have had a good night sleep. Now think about how beneficial that is to your hard worked muscles that need to recover to perform at their best.
*Blog coming soon on quality sleep.

So you have just finished and hour long full body workout, you feel great. On your way to work you grab a croissant, a pack of crisps and a tea with 2 sugars to have for your breakfast. Because you deserve it right? Wrong.
After your workout your body needs nutrients for recovery and repair. It needs good quality protein and carbs and it needs it now.
Please refer back to my blog on post workout nutrition for some ideas on this.
Remember you are what you eat. The food you consume is your fuel like petrol is to a car. For example if you tried to run a petrol car on diesel then it would break down as you are providing it with the wrong fuel in order to function.
The same rule applies to your body. Do you think the Manchester United squad has a Cornish pasty, mars bar and a can of coke before a game? You know the answer.
So in order to maintain energy levels, recovery and repair make sure you eat right, your body will thank you for it.

Knowing your body:
This bit is the hard bit as most people really don’t know their body when it comes to not having enough or having too much rest.
It is so important to know the difference between things like muscle fatigue and injury or my favourite, people who don’t train legs because their chest is sore from the day before.
Learn to listen to your body and make the right decision. Does your body need a genuine rest or are you just tired because you have not been eating right? See where I am going with this?
Also never ignore an injury, it’s not big and it’s not clever.

Recovery training/active rest:
Here’s a scenario, you have just woke up the day after a challenging kettlebell workout and you are sore all over and tight everywhere. Surely the best thing to do would is to have a complete day off from training and just sit at your desk all day. NO my friend, this is probably the worst thing you could do.
Get your gym kit on and go for a light 20 min run followed by a full body stretching session. This will provide your sore muscles with the blood flow they need to recover, loosen up and most importantly become less sore. Don’t believe it? Try it, works for me every time.
If running not for you? No worries, row, cycle or quire simply just move and get the blood flowing.
I promise that not only will you recover quicker but you will feel more energized and raring to go.

So the truth is just taking on one of the five things listed above just won’t cut it. All of the above have a knock on effect to each other. For optimal recovery assess all of the above and ask yourself “Are their changes I can make?”

The answer is yes, as it is for us all. The truth is it is not easy to compliment our lifestyles with what I have listed but let’s at least try as I promise you; you will be a better person for it.