
Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Top 10 Bulls**t Excuses

1. I can’t afford to eat healthily.
Yet you can go out at the weekend and spend £80-£100 on alcohol.

2. I don’t have time to train.

You don’t have the time because you don’t make the time. Everybody has a choice in when to set the alarm clock.

3. I don’t understand why I am not losing weight, because I eat really healthy foods and train 5 times a week.

I know why…….you eat too much. If more calories are going in than going out, guess what? You won’t lose weight. It’s quite simple really.

4. My job involves drinking a lot as I’m always at events and client meetings.

It’s funny because I have never seen an ad for a job that states “Applicant must be able to consume vast amounts of alcohol on a regular basis, teetotallers need not apply”

5. I can’t go to the gym as I have hurt my wrist.

I agree with this one, as the exercise bike and leg extensions place great stress on the wrists. Get real.

6. I don’t have the time to prepare healthy snacks or dinners.
Well then you better make the time or stop whingeing about the fact you are not achieving the results you want.

7. I don’t like going to the gym because I’m not very good at it and it’s hard.

Errrrm………that’s because you don’t go to the gym. Honestly.

8. I don’t want to train my legs as they get big really easily.

What he really means is “I don’t want to train my legs because it’s hard and no one gets to see them that often anyway”. Man up.

9. Client: Matt sorry can’t make our session today as I have forgotten my gym shorts.
Me: No worries mate I have a spare pair.
Client: Oh dear I have forgotten my t-shirt as well.
Me: That’s cool I have an extra one.
Client: It seems I have only brought one trainer with me. What a day.
Me: Well it’s a good job you remembered to bring the bag of bulls**t.

10. I ended up just going home as all the machines in the gym were taken.

Really? Every single machine? I doubt it.

So the moral of the above is DON’T MAKE EXCUSES. I know there are times when sticking to a healthy eating regime or getting to the gym are difficult but don’t make up reasons to justify your actions. Just face up to the fact you are going to have a few drinks or you’re not really in the mood to train that day. It’s okay.

Remember that we all have a choice and we will find and make the time for things we see as a priority or things we really want to do.

People are forever blurting out excuses to make their lives easier, but the truth is eventually these excuses just won’t cut it and a reality check is needed. There is always a way to achieve your fitness goals, it is just a matter of patience, determination and quite simply having a goal in the first place.

If you have an answer for everything then you obviously know better and therefore should have no problem achieving your desired results and have no reason to have a problem with it in the first place.


  1. Ha ha, love this!!! It's very funny and so true ... and of life in general, not just eating healthily and getting fit :D

  2. Great stuff! Don't make excuses - make the effort!

  3. there are always excuses, but none of them (apart from injuries) are a real excuse for not getting fit and healthy

  4. Matt great post, I love number 9 was that actually a real client, so rude .....
