"What's the best workout for gaining muscle?" "What's the best workout for losing body fat?" "What exercises are good for getting rid of my bingo wings?"
I get asked these questions all the time, and I al
ways get a look of surprise but mostly confusion when my response is "What's your diet like?"
I could give you a fantastic workout to build up your chest and arms, an interval protocol for fat burning and a great tricep plan to rid you of your wobbly arms.......HOWEVER!
This is all well and good but let me tell you - all this is wasted if your diet is full of saturated fat, alcohol, sweets and tons of processed food.
Now I'm not going to waffle on about eating plans but one bit of advice I will give you is this - Assess your diet before embarking on a so called "miracle workout". You can train as hard as you like but believe me you will soon grow bored and frustrated when the results don't go quite the way you liked.
Remember, you are what you eat. Your diet is responsible for:
- How much energy you have
- How effectively you train
- How quick you recover
- How well you sleep
- Your mood.
These are just to name a few and they are pretty important if you ask me.
So, for a week - write down everything you eat, log times of meals, energy levels, how much sleep you got and an idea of how long you are taking to recover from workouts. This is the best way of highlighting problem areas that sometimes require the smallest of change for maximum results.
Eat well, train smart and sleep peacefully.
Matt Whitmore
Eat well, train smart and sleep peacefully. Great thought !!