
Thursday, 28 July 2011

The 2 Finger Deadlift (Grip Strength Development Series: Part 4)

Hello fellow strength enthusiasts,

Sticking to deadlift variations for another installment in this series, I'm going to share with you the 2 finger deadlift.

As I have mentioned before, and as you will read on any good grip strength website, when you are training for bone crushing grip it's important to work on your fingers, thumbs, hands, wrists and forearms as individual areas to get huge gains. This week I want to focus on the fingers and believe me this one alone will make a huge difference in your grip strength. Sticking with a standard deadlift technique with the simple change of using only your second and middle finger to grip the bar.

For obvious reasons you will have to reduce your regular deadlift poundage but you will soon see the weights shoot up. I use the 5 sets of 5 reps for this one, it's also a great idea to do some nice heavy singles. As with some of the other variations I have showed you, a great way to test your grip strength endurance is to deadlift the bar up and hold on for dear life. Aiming for 45-60secs whilst maintaining a solid back and without resting the bar on the quads.

If you have not done these before then stick to the 5x5 with 3 minutes rest between sets (you will need it), once this feels good progress to some nice and heavy singles.

I hope by now you have brought yourself a bag of chalk, dont let sweaty hands ruine your lifts.

Give it a try and look forward to your response:

Train smart, eat well and sleep peacefully,


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