
Monday, 11 July 2011

Thick Grip Deadlift Hold

Hey guys,

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy my second instalment of my grip development series. Today we will be looking at the thick grip deadlift hold.

As you will see in the video I am using Fat Gripz which you can purchase on eBay or amazon. I don't have a thick bar but if you do please use it.

Taking an overhand grip (palms facing towards you), deadlift the bar up and simply hold on for dear life.

Do not lean back allowing the bar to rest on the quads, this makes it easier. Squeeze your glutes, pack the shoulders back and crush that bar.

Select a weight that allows you to perform 3 sets of 1min holds. Once this feels comfortable, increase the weight and aim for 2 sets progressing to 3 and repeat that cycle.

Using the thick bar or fat Gripz will really test your grip, much more so than a standard bar. Your fingers, hands, ligaments and tendons will see great improvements if you perform this exercise at least nice a week at the end of your workout.

Give it a try and let me know how you get on.

P.s make sure you always have both hands in an overhand grip, having a cross grip makes it too easy and will not test the grip enough.

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